
News > ALDA & EM Macedonia: Initiative for the creation of a Network for Local Democracy

Article Details:

  • 21st January 2020 - 15:40 UTC

ALDA & EM Macedonia: Initiative for the creation of a Network for Local Democracy

On January 15th, 2020 the partners and sub-grantees of the project “CSOs making local democracy work” met in Skopje. During the meeting, the representatives from the 12 partner organizations had the opportunity to present the results of their projects and their positive experiences, and to evaluate the implemented activities within the project.

Based on the good experience as well as challenges they found at the local level, the participants initiated the establishment of a Network for Local Democracy, whose main purposes will be to involve all stakeholders working in the field of citizen participation in decision-making processes at the local level and bring local governments closer to citizens.

The project partners and sub-grantees decided they will sign a memorandum to formalize this Network for Local Democracy during the Final Conference of the project, which will take place in Skopje on January 22nd.

The meeting was organized in the framework of the project “CSOs making Local Democracy Work”, which is implemented by ALDA, the European Movement in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the Association of Local Government Finance Officers and Public Enterprises and Local Self-Government Veles; and is financially supported by the European Union.

Read more here.