
News > ALDA General Assembly 2022: Institutions, Local Authorities, members and delegates all united for peace, democracy and resilience

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  • 19th May 2022 - 11:16 UTC

ALDA General Assembly 2022: Institutions, Local Authorities, members and delegates all united for peace, democracy and resilience

A sunny Strasbourg welcomed the Governing Board members, the delegates of the Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), members and colleagues of ALDA for the Association’s most important event of the year, ALDA General Assembly 2022, and related events.

Indeed, from May 5th to 7th, the network of ALDA gathered together, for the first in-presence Assembly since 2019, for 3 days of conferences, trainings and round-tables, culminating on 6 May 2022 with the ALDA General Assembly, entitled  “Supporting Local Democracy, Supporting Peace and Resilience”. 

Moreover, this 3-day occurrence took place within the framework of the Strasbourg Summit, underlying ALDA’s involvement and commitment in the Conference of the Future of Europe and its follow-ups.

No words can explain the thrilling and enthusiastic atmosphere of the moment, smiling faces and happy chats all over the hall of Region Grand-Est Headquarters, main venue of the Assembly. The conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the current war in Ukraine were not only at the centre of the Assembly, but also among colleagues, friends and delegates’ topics of discussion.

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