ALDA: Localising SDGs: LADDER workshop at the EDDs
On 15 June 2016, a workshop of LADDER project was held in the framework of the EDDs (European Development Days) in Brussels. The event was entitled “Localising Sustainable Development Goals: Owning the global development agenda”.
The event was opened with the projection of the winner video of the Slogan Competition initiative of LADDER, “Tolerance”, that launched the theme of SDGs, and in particular education and awareness raising.
Moderator of the workshop was Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of ALDA, and saw the participation of relevant panellists: Fabio Masini, Professor at the University of Roma Tre, Sebastien Vauzelle, from UNDP ART Programme, Jacopo Barbati, Member of the Executive Board of Young European Federalists Europe, and Abbas Sbeity, Young Leader – Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Cities of Lebanon.
Many issues, challenges and key topics were raised during the workshop, such us the role and requirements of the private and public sector in building development and awareness raising; the challenging cooperation between CSOs and LAs in joint actions to foster the awareness raising process; the youth employment as a major challenge, in particular in the framework of education and health; the universal, intersectoral and complex scenario of partnerships aiming at finding innovative solutions to control disparities at national level; advocacy, exchange of good practices & tools, and territorial coordination as goals of the alliance for localising SDGs; the participation of youth to development processes that needs to be enhanced.
Possible solutions and proposals were furthermore suggested in the following working group activity, that saw a high involvement of participants attending the event.
ALDA also took part to the stand on “Lessons from supporting elections in fragile contexts. A European Response To Electoral Cycle Support”, organised by ECES (European Centre for Electoral Support) and EPD (European Partnership for Democracy), in order to share lessons learned from the field: case study from Eastern Partnership countries, MED area and Balkans.
Useful links:
Photo gallery
EDDs website
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