ALDA: Regional development through participative democracy in Morocco – contributing ALDA’s experience
“Participative democracy? A choice for regional development” confirmed Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary-General of ALDA, invited to the first National Forum on Advanced Regionalisation in Agadir, Morocco, on December 20th and 21st – where the work of ALDA and of the Local Democracy Agency of Northern Morocco was presented to the numerous delegates from all over Morocco who attended the important event.
Since a key constitutional change in 2001 proposing a reorganisation of governance in this crucial country of Northern Africa, laws and regulations have been under development towards regionalisation, which has been adopted in Morocco as a mean for social and economic development as well as equalisation of the existing diversities among the different parts of the country.
In this framework, ALDA’s experience was presented to contribute ideas and good practices and find solutions to the current challenge for Morocco to implement participative democracy and citizens’ real involvement in public policies. Today, regions in Morocco have the possibility to engage civil society and local municipalities; but how to make this work, and make it productive? How to make sure that laws are accompanied by awareness and practice? The capacity of ALDA and of LDA Morocco triggered considerable interest among the participants of the conference, and proved to be highly relevant.
A follow-up plan for 2020 was prepared to further support the objective, towards which will be directed the efforts of a variety of stakeholders. Close to ALDA’s work in Morocco is also that of the Congress of the Council of Europe (CoE), represented at this event by Vice-President of the Congress Xavier Cadoret, as it developed a plan in support of local democracy in the country, too.
It is worthy of note that, earlier this year, Morocco obtained the status of Observer to the Congress with the possibility to send delegates and participate in CoE sessions.
Read the full article here.