
News > ALDA: Together for Europe’s recovery: a word on the German EU Presidency

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  • 10th July 2020 - 16:37 UTC

ALDA: Together for Europe’s recovery: a word on the German EU Presidency

The month of July has kicked off with Germany taking over the presidency of the Council of the EU for the 13th time, from July 1st to the end of 2020: in the framework of ALDA’s commitment to raising citizens’ awareness on European institutions and their work, we wish to dedicate some attention to what this moment means for the European Union and its civil society. 

With a recovery plan to discuss, the approval of the new 7-year Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027, and the growing difficulties that many EU countries are currently going through, this is undoubtedly a delicate moment where the next six months could be determinant. Indeed, Europe is arguably facing the biggest economic, social, and health crisis in its modern history.

Now, after the work done by the Croatian EU Presidency to tackle such a crisis on its onset, the metaphorical baton goes to Germany, which will have a lot on its plate to coordinate the Member states in a coordinated, effective response.

With this in mind, the German EU Presidency has presented a detailed programme to work “together for Europe’s recovery enlightened by the following guiding principles:

  • overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic permanently, as well as the economic recovery
  • a stronger and more innovative Europe
  • a fair Europe
  • a sustainable Europe.

Read the full article here.

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