ALDA: What kind of Europe for the future? LIKE network kicks of its (R)evolutionary programme
On 8-10 February, LIKE, network of European cities and regions for the culture, organises the first event of 2017 (R)evolutionally programme – La Rencontre de Bruxelles “What kind of Europe for the future?”.
The event is organised in partnership of ALDA, the City of Brussels, the ADAM Museum and the ATOMIUM; with the participation of the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts (a coalition of 30 European cultural networks). LIKE’s members and participants to this event will gather to look into the 5 crises, which are questioning the future of our community: economic, migratory, institutional, democratic, cultural crises.
Crises shall not destroy Europe, but encourage supporters of the European ideal to re-think the foundations of our community of nations. With the perspective of the White Book on the Future of Europe by Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, LIKE wishes to give a clear statement on what they are calling for: a Europe of local governments and culture.
About LIKE network. The network is committed to the collaborative development of cultural policies in Europe and gathers in its network a set of elected representatives from carious local authorities and cultural structures. The network works to build a Europe of culture made by territories to open up new horizons in the field of culture.
Useful links:
Event agenda and registration form on LIKE website
For more information contact Margaux Rouchet at