
News > ALDE: Renew Europe CoR: The role of EU Cohesion Policy in view of coronavirus

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  • 13th July 2020 - 17:41 UTC

ALDE: Renew Europe CoR: The role of EU Cohesion Policy in view of coronavirus

The coordinator of the Renew Europe Group in the European Committee of the Regions (Renew Europe CoR) for the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER) Michiel Rijsberman (D66, The Netherlands) has been appointed rapporteur for the report on ‘The role of the EU’s cohesion policy with respect to intelligent and innovative economic change in the regions against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis’, a referral by the German presidency.

Rijsberman has already greatly contributed to the shaping of the structural funds in the next Multiannual Financial Framework through his previous reports and work, including the report on ‘European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund’ of the previous European Committee of the Regions mandate (2015-2020).

“I am looking forward to working very closely with the German presidency on this important subject. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected and continues to affect regions very differently, worsening differences in the standard of living across the EU. The regional economies are key to the recovery of the economy across the EU. Structural funds will be even more important in the years to come for recovery and for investments that will foster a more innovative, greener, and more digital regional economies,” Rijsberman said.

Read the full article here.

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