
News > Award Ceremony of the Bronisław Geremek Prize 2018

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  • 28th May 2018 - 13:43 UTC

Award Ceremony of the Bronisław Geremek Prize 2018

On 22 May 2018 at the College of Europe in Natolin the Bronisław Geremek Prize was awarded for the third time.

The main prize, for an outstanding book in the field of the history of European civilization was awarded to Dr Krzysztof BORODA (University of Białystok) for “Geografia gospodarcza Królestwa Polskiego w XVI wieku” [“The economic geography of the Kingdom of Poland in the sixteenth century”].

This 880-page book explains the contours of the economic development that underpinned Poland’s sixteenth-century “golden age” and highlights changes in the agrarian sector during the 1560s and 1570s which would cast a shadow over the decades that followed. The implications are applicable to other early modern economies east of the river Elbe.

For more information on the event, including pictures of the event, see the College of Europe website here.

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