Busy summer for ALDA’s LADDER project – Trainings in Ireland and Croatia this July
Within the LADDER project, 45 and 58 participants from different countries, members of the 26 co-applicants and 20 associates, participated this summer in 2 Trainings delivered by the Hague Academy for Local Governance (LADDER co-applicant) on the DEAR concept (Development Education and Awareness Raising).
The first training held in Donegal (Ireland), from the 15th to the 17th of July, allowed the participants to enhance and deepen their knowledge on development issues, develop their understanding on the DEAR concept and work together to create a DEAR strategy. The training contained, among other, a set of activities to be adapted and used within their own constituency and/or organization. On the 3rd day of the training, a specific “Training of Trainers” (ToT) session was provided for a specific category of LADDER partners. They are in charge of delivering similar training at national and local level back in their countries. During that session, the participants were introduced in the world of trainers, and gained valuable skills for delivering trainings on DEAR. By training multipliers to act as drivers for change, starting from the local level, LADDER project supports the implementation of the post-2015 agenda (and the “to-be-adopted” SDGs) at local level, both in the EU and the European Neighborhood! Our actions at local level have an impact at the global level. The training in Ireland was organized in close collaboration with Donegal County.
The second training was held from 22nd until 24th of July, in Croatia (Zagreb). The participants followed a similar training, on Development Education, learning how to share their knowledge. It was organized in close collaboration with the Croatian Association of Counties.
DEAR stands for Development Education & Awareness Raising, which is a programme of the EU development policy. The DEAR concept is at the heart of the LADDER project, aiming at raising the awareness of citizens on global issues and promoting their engagement for development and poverty eradication, working with LAs & CSOs and enhancing their role of multipliers for change at local level.
Follow the project on the official website.
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