Call for solidarity: floods in Serbia and Bosnia
SOLIDAR members ASB (South East Europe, SEE) and the Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC, Serbia) are working together to deliver emergency aid to the municipalities of Loznica, Obrenovac and Grocka and also to a Children’s Shelter that was hit by the record flooding. People in both countries that were hit by the floods are in desperate need of your support.
The heaviest rains and floods in 120 years have hit Serbia and Bosnia. Many towns and villages are completely cut off from the outside world. Thousands of people had to be evacuated, while others did not make it to safety in time or cannot leave their homes. They currently have no clean drinking water and are without electricity. The governments of the two countries called out a state of emergency for several regions. The most affected regions are Loznica, Obrenovac and Grocka.
ASB SEE Offices in Serbia and Bosnia, together with IDC, are coordinating first emergency actions. Please contact Edit Wallmeier (, Ivan Marin ( and Gordan Velev ( if you would like to offer assistance, give a donation or if you have any questions.
ASB has opened a bank account to collect donations:
Bank account: Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland
Keywords: Balkanhilfe
Spendenkonto: 1888
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln
BLZ: 370 205 00
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