CEMR: EU funds
Opinion article | How to upgrade the EU’s COVID response in the territories
This op-ed by CEMR Secretary General, Frédéric Vallier, was originally published in Euractiv.
While all of Europe is reeling from the coronavirus pandemic, the crisis undeniably has a strong territorial dimension. Some localities and territories are more severely affected and different regions are not equally well equipped to deal with such a rapidly propagating virus. There is unbearable pressure on hospitals and health services, most severely in areas such as northern Italy, Spain, northern England, or eastern France.
Municipalities and regions are at the forefront of this crisis, whether in enforcing lockdowns, continuing to provide essential public services – above all healthcare and support for the most vulnerable – or in leading the gradual relaxation of containment measures. At the same time, many of their sources of revenue are falling due to the closure of public facilities and the general economic slowdown.
The European Commission has taken steps towards addressing these challenges by creating the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiatives (CRII and CRII+). These will provide unspent cohesion funds to finance medical assistance and economic and social support to fight the pandemic.
Read the full article here.
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