
News > CEMR: Local action towards circular societies – the view from Flanders

Article Details:

  • 3rd December 2020 - 13:13 UTC

CEMR: Local action towards circular societies – the view from Flanders

Each and every one us consumes resources and produces waste as a result of our daily life. From grocery packages to old electronics, to agricultural and industrial waste behind the scenes, each of us contributes to piling up of pollution on our planet. But by the same token, each us can also contribute to the solutions.

That’s why, on the occasion of the European Week of Waste Reduction, CEMR zoomed in on the contributions of local governments in the shift towards the circular economy, an economy in which waste is reduced and reuse maximised. In the spotlight: Flanders, a region whose municipalities have been particularly active in this area.

Waste reduction and recycling have long been important topics in densely-populated Flanders. “We have so little space that we have to recycle a lot”, says Elke de Taeye, Circular Economy Officer with the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG).

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