
News > CESI welcomes speedy start of the new European Commission

Article Details:

  • 15th January 2020 - 17:19 UTC

CESI welcomes speedy start of the new European Commission

The European Commission presented its first ideas on how to make Europe more socially just and fair. In an explanatory communication entitled ‘A strong social Europe for just transitions’, the Commission sets out its social timetable and initiatives for the year ahead, all centrally bundled under the umbrella of the European Pillar of Social Rights. CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger welcomes the speedy start of the European Commission into the new term.

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: “I welcome very much the quick action by the new European Commission to swiftly table fresh ideas for more social justice and fairness in the EU and its Member States. Certainly, the sketches of the plans can provide a significant scope for real improvements in the lives of workers and employees. CESI stands ready to inform the European Commission’s work on shaping a future-proof Europe where people like to live and work in dignity, and I look forward to working to this end with Ursula von der Leyen, Valdis Dombrovskis, Nicolas Schmit and the college of Commissioners. ”

Read the full statement here.