
News > CIFE: Call for Papers – Political and institutional landscape in the EU

Article Details:

  • 16th January 2020 - 17:29 UTC

CIFE: Call for Papers – Political and institutional landscape in the EU

The European parliamentary elections have revealed a more fragmented political landscape than ever before across the European Union. The two traditional dominant political blocs lost their majority (from 55 to 44%), mainly to the liberals and greens. Eurosceptic and nationalist parties have experienced varying fortunes at national level, and have made less progress than expected at European level (from 21 to 23%), but their national score has placed them in the lead in some countries (France, United Kingdom, Italy). One consequence could be a recomposition of political alliances in the European Parliament, as well as the emergence of shifting coalitions for votes depending on the subjects concerned (budgetary reforms, border controls, environment, etc.).

This special issue of “Europe in Formation” aims to take stock of these political and institutional transformations in order to understand in which direction they are moving the European project forward.

For more details click here.