College of Europe: Rector Mogherini’s participation in EEAS conference “The EU in a changing world”
On Tuesday 1 December 2020, Rector Federica Mogherini spoke at the conference/seminar “The EU in a changing world – Staying on course in troubled waters.” The online debate, organized by the European Union External Action Service, officially kicked off a series of events to mark the 10th anniversary of the EEAS.
Rector Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy from 1 November 2014 until 30 November 2019, joined her successor at the European Commission, Mr Josep Borrell, and her predecessor, Mr Javier Solana, to tackle the following topics: how has the European Union’s foreign policy evolved in the last years? What have been the main achievements? What are the biggest opportunities and the main challenges for the EU in a rapidly changing landscape?
Rewatch the livestream here.
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