Watch Marie-Pierre Vedrenne MEP’s presentation of the report on the application and enforcement of trade rules. Her aim: to give Europe a protective mechanism in its international trade relations.
“The DSB is the dispute settlement body within the World Trade Organization. Because of the trade tensions we are experiencing, the European Union must be able to better defend its interests. This is the subject of the enforcement. And it is overcoming these difficulties with ambitious proposals. In particular with provisional measures.
This Regulation is a Commission proposal on compliance and enforcement of trade rules. I am rapporteur for the European Parliament on this issue, which enables the European Union to better defend its interests.
Through this regulation, I wish to put forward an ambitious position. By providing the European Union with legal tools that will enable it to defend itself effectively and coherently. That is why I wanted to broaden the scope proposed by the European Commission, by including services and intellectual property rights and by proposing provisional measures.
Provisional measures: what are they? It is an ambition that I wanted to include in this report. It is to give the European Union the capacity to defend itself better and to create a deterrent instrument. When a third country imposes unilateral measures, the European Union must be able to defend itself as soon as a panel is opened. These are provisional measures.”
Read the full report here.
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