ELEC event report: What project for the EU after Brexit?
Prior to its year-end Central Council in Brussels the European League for Economic Cooperation organised a Round Table on “What project for the EU after Brexit?”. Several scenarios were examined: a Europe of two Circles enclosing EU members and non-EU members, a closer cooperation on defence, a European social union and even the possibility that Brexit would not take place after all after a new referendum on the exit terms. At a formal dinner Belgian finance minister Johan Van Overtveldt looked into the different challenges facing the EU, of which Brexit is only one.
The speakers at this event were as follow:
ELEC president Bernard Snoy
ELEC member and expert in EU financial regulation Graham Bishop
Professor André Sapir of the Université Libre de Bruxelles and senior fellow at the Bruegel think tank
Yves Bertoncini, director at the Jacques Delors Institute
Professor Paul Bernd Spahn of the Goethe University in Frankfurt
Belgian finance minister Johan Van Overtveldt
The full summary of the event is available for members only.
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