EM France and its network organizes 350 citizen consultations in France!
The European Movement France comprises about fifty local sections and about twenty national associations, including Young Europeans – France and the French Federation of European Houses. Together, they organized 350 citizen consultations which is equivalent to 32% of the 1,082 citizen consultations organized throughout France between April and October 2018
European Movement France and its local sections organized 130 citizen consultations, 91 of which it was the main organizer and 39 as a partner.
The young branch of the European Movement, the Young Europeans – France and their local branches conducted 73 citizen consultations.
As for the French Federation of European Houses, it has organized 148 events and has been a partner of 23 others.
By mobilizing and organizing dozens of citizen consultations, the European Movement France and its network have reached out to thousands of citizens and informed them about the European project. In the context of the European elections of May 26, 2019, European Movement France has placed Europe at the center of the national debate. In the following paragraph, discover in a few figures the key elements and the results of its campaign.
European Movement France, through its initiatives, has mobilized around 10 000 citizens; each of these have mobilized dozens, sometimes hundreds of participants who came to learn about Europe and express their opinions, which enabled the volunteers to collect a very large number of proposals for the future of Europe.
The hashtag #QuelleEstVotreEurope created by the General Secretariat of Citizen Consultations has been used by European Movement France to promote on Twitter the events organized by its local sections and member associations. In fact, the publications listed with this hashtag have been viewed more than 704 300 times!
Lastly, during the six months of the citizen consultation campaign, European Movement France has been able to reach out to nearly 1 000 000 people through its social networks and press! The associations, companies, communities and the media that have joined European Movement France in its campaign, have all relayed events and news within their own networks.
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