
News > EM Germany: European pupil’s competition

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Participative democracy and civil dialogue

EM Germany: European pupil’s competition

”Living together in peace” was the motto of the 63rd European Competition. As lots of German schools, teachers and students were faced with integrating children and young people from different cultural backgrounds (some of them even with traumatic experiences), a nerve was touched. The European Competition supported their integration work in asking for works about bullying, violence against women, moral courage and nonviolent conflict solutions. The response was overwhelming: In the 63rd European Contest, 77,139 students from 1,153 schools participated and handed in creative and critical images, texts, clips and songs. 100 of them are presented in a short “best of” video.

The European Competition is one of the oldest European school contests and goes along with European integration since 1953. It is tendered by the European Movement Germany and financed by the federal ministry of education, the federal ministry of foreign affairs and the German states. For decades, the competition used to be a European initiative: In the 90s, more than 30 countries cooperated in a network called “Europe at School”. Thousands of students from all over Europe worked together on current topics and met on international conferences. Nowadays, the European Competition is well-established in Germany. Similar contests exist in Croatia, Greece, Czech Republic and Slovakian Republic. The European Movement Germany supports the re-internationalisation of the European Competition.

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