
News > EM Germany: Position on Brexit and the EU’s future relationship with the UK

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  • 30th January 2020 - 14:14 UTC

EM Germany: Position on Brexit and the EU’s future relationship with the UK

Tomorrow marks the day the United Kingdom leaves the European Union. For European Movement Germany (EM Germany) this represents “a historic mistake” and “a defeat for all supporters of rational democratic politics based on long-term goals in Europe”, as its board states in its position paper. For EM Germany it remains undisputed: Great Britain and Northern Ireland remain part of Europe.

“In a world where international cooperation is increasingly important, Brexit is a tragic step backwards.”, comments EM Germany’s President Dr. Linn Selle the decision. “It is thus necessary that the agreement on the future relations between the EU and the United Kingdom ensures a close partnership, without undermining the European community of law and values.” 

EM Germany’s board calls on the EU27 to remain as united in the negotiations ahead as they were in the preparations for the withdrawal agreement. “After Brexit is before Brexit”, says EM Germany board member Dr. Günter Lambertz (DIHK), who developed the position paper together with a board task force: “In the next 11 months, a balancing act must succeed between protecting the single market and avoiding negative consequences for the economy. Otherwise, as of 2021, everyone will lose out.”

As the board position paper reiterates, the four fundamental freedoms of the European single market are non-negotiable: “The United Kingdom must decide how close it wishes its future relationship with the single market and the customs union to be. It is then up to the European Commission to ensure in the negotiations that British rights and obligations towards the Union are balanced and that the country does not gain any privileges compared to EU member states and other close partners of the EU. It must remain clear that leaving the EU is not worthwhile.”

The position paper, published in both English and German, gives credit to the partners on the opposite side of the channel – in particular the European Movement UK: “We offer our solidarity to all political forces pursuing fact-based, constructive and fair politics in line with our common European values. […] Our goal remains the democratic unification of all Europeans in a strong union based on solidarity.”

To read more about it, click here.