EM Germany weekly round-up
German original version: http://www.netzwerk-ebd.de/nachrichten/ebd-telegramm/
Every weekend, EM Germany’s weekly round-up introduces the highlights of that week‘s European issues – a brief survey of the press, EM Germany’s activities and to supplement it a look at international discussions on Twitter.
EM Germany weekly round-up – the week’s highlights in print, at EM Germany and on Twitter
30/8-5/9/2014 – A central topic in this week’s German newspapers were the latest developments in Ukraine and relations between NATO and Russia. In particular, NATO’s planned Response Force in the Eastern member states and the impact on the NATO and Russia’s Founding Act were discussed.
At the start of the week newspapers commented on the new appointments to the EU’s top posts. The Frankfurter Rundschau talked of a small generational change. The Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) points to the choice of Donald Tusk, ten years after the EU’s enlargement to the East, as a special sign, as he brings Central Europe’s experience and its liberation movements to the table. Also the Frankfurter Rundschhau spoke of a recognition of Poland’s contribution to the EU. According to the newspaper Die Welt, the Italian Mogherini has instinct for power and is eager to learn, and wants to prove to her critics that she is up to the job.
During the ECB’s council meeting the further lowering of the base rate and deliberations over the purchase of securities were commented on. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) pointed out that this policy is very controversial in Germany.
In addition to these main issues, the FAZ reported on the results of a current Allensbach survey on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), according to which most Germans still had not formed an opinion on the planned free trade agreement. The newspapers also commented on the joint initiative of the Italian and German Interior Ministers to forge closer cooperation on asylum policy. The concept, that is to be discussed at the meeting of EU Interior Ministers in October, is still very unclear according to SZ.
EM Germany joined in on the current debates with two europolitical submissions. EM Germany President Dr. Rainer Wend expressed his hopes that with a clearly pro-European Foreign Minister the new government in Turkey will bring the country further down its European path. The appointment of the EU’s top jobs was warmly welcomed by President Wend. Donald Tusk as EU-Council President elect stands “for a Poland, that shows a new awakening and liberality, but also never forgets that the EU is the answer to dictatorships and repression.” The nomination of Federica Mogherinis as future High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Vice-President was judged a clear signal by President Wend: “Italy is now firmly back in Europe.”
In terms of events, EM Germany started back after the summer break with an ‘EBD Exklusiv’ on EU-Swiss relations: Martin Naef, member of the Swiss National Council and Co-President of the New European Movement Switzerland (NEBS), and EM Germany Board Member Michael Stübgen, Member of the Bundestag, discussed the reasons for EU skepticism in Switzerland and a German fundamental consensus on Europe.
On the social network Twitter the following hashtags were popular: discussion about the top positions via #EUtopjobs, especially commentary on the appointments of @FedericaMog to High Representative and @premiertusk to President of the European Council (#EUCO). Discussions about the Scottish independence referendum on 18 September can be followed under #indyref. Current tweets about our policy can be followed under #EBDPolitik. For our discussion on Swiss EU-Policy latest news can be found through #EBDExkl or #SchweizEU.
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