
News > EM Ireland: Discussing Brexit with Commission Taskforce on Article 50 Negotiations

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  • 25th October 2018 - 16:41 UTC
  • Brexit

EM Ireland: Discussing Brexit with Commission Taskforce on Article 50 Negotiations

On 25 October, EM Ireland – led by Executive Director Noelle O’Connell – met with the European Commission’s Taskforce on the Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom to discuss the progress in the Brexit negotiations, the Irish Border issue and, of course, the important status of the Good Friday Agreement. The Irish Border issue remains one of the most controversial elements of the Brexit negotiations between the UK and the EU.

As opposed to their island neighbours in the UK, Ireland remains one of the most pro-European countries in Europe, with a recent poll showing that 92% of a representative sample of Irish people aged 18 and over agree with the statement that, “Ireland should remain in the EU”; and that 87% agree with the statement that, “Ireland has benefitted from being a member of the EU.” See link to the poll here.  

Considering this, EM Ireland has long played an active role in promoting our common European values in Ireland and is a representative voice for the Taskforce to consult on such important issues concerning the relationship between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. 

As for the European Movement International’s position on Brexit, it was concluded – after analysing various different scenarios – that EU membership is the best option for the UK; not leaving. For more details on EMI’s position and analysis, click here (Brexit, and now what?)

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