EM Ireland Executive Director defends Irish commitment to EU in letter to Irish Times
In a letter published in the Irish Times on the 13th of July, European Movement Ireland Executive Director Noelle O Connell responded to a claim “that Ireland may be better off in the long run exiting the EU” made by former Department of Foreign Affairs official Ray Bassett in a recent report.
In the letter, Ms. O Connell cited the extraordinarily high level of support for EU membership among the Irish public as demonstrated by a recent Red C poll commissioned by European Movement Ireland in which 88% of respondents expressed their desire for Ireland to remain in the Union.
Commenting on continued public support for the EU and the effect of Brexit, Ms. O Connell added:
“Polls (like referendums) are, to some degree, snapshots in time of a country’s often complex stances on questions of national importance. However, they do suggest that even in the context of Brexit, Irish public opinion remains both high and markedly steadfast in its support for Ireland remaining within a reforming EU.”
Read the letter in full here.
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