
News > EM Ireland – Just the Facts: European Year for Development 2015

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EM Ireland – Just the Facts: European Year for Development 2015

What is a ‘European Year’?

Every year since 1983, the EU has given the year a specific subject or theme to encourage citizen debate and dialogue, with the aim of increasing multilateral cooperation across the proposed issue area.  This theme is proposed by the European Commission and adopted by the European Parliament and EU Member States.  By promoting multilateral cooperation around a specific issue as part of the EU programme of work each year, the EU Institutions and national governments commit to taking the subject into consideration in future policy-making.  In some cases, new legislation may even be proposed around the theme.

European Year for Development 2015

2015’s designated theme is the European Year for Development (EYD 2015).  Development policy is closely related to pressing global issues that the EU is working on with its partners and this is the first time that the EU’s global role has been a theme for the year.  2015 marks a transitional period for the international development agenda.  EYD 2015 coincides with both the deadline of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and UN summits on sustainable development in September and climate change in December.  As such, this year provides an opportunity for the EU to demonstrate its commitment to a post-2015 development agenda that recognises the connections between poverty eradication, sustainable development and climate change.  EYD 2015 will provide a platform for Irish and EU citizens to become involved and engaged with development issues such as poverty, food security, inequality and climate change.

The EU is the world’s largest provider of Official Development Assistance (ODA).  According to the 2014 Eurobarometer survey, 85% of EU citizens believe that providing aid is important and 67% wish to see an increase in the amount of aid provided; however 55% have no knowledge of where EU aid actually goes.

EYD 2015 aims to promote the direct involvement of EU citizens under its Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future platform.  The aim is to provide greater information on how EU development aid works and demonstrate the powerful and measurable effects of European aid in combatting extreme poverty.  It is hoped that EYD 2015 will provide assurances to European taxpayers that their money is being put to good use.  The Year also aims to enhance and promote development cooperation and recognise important development work in the partner countries.

EYD 2015 Initiatives in Europe

EYD 2015 and the post-2015 agenda will be reflected in the internal and external policies of the EU Institutions and Member States this year, including the renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy, the Europe 2020 Strategy and related policies.

Citizens form the basis of the guiding principles of EYD 2015.  To that end, promoting enhanced involvement in, and cooperation between, civil society organisations is vital to the post-2015 development agenda.  CONCORD, the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development, has been asked by the EU Institutions to convene and lead a civil society alliance consisting of NGOs from across Europe.  This initiative was launched on Thursday, 15 January 2015 in Brussels and aims to reach out to a large and diverse audience of EU citizens in addition to creating new partnerships with other civil society sectors for enhanced cooperation and policy congruence.

The EYD 2015 agenda also includes awards, school competitions, advertising campaigns, debates and sporting events which are set to take place nationally and at an EU level.  Additionally, the EU and its Member States will seek to work constructively with all partners and stakeholders – including civil society, national parliaments, scientific and academic institutions, local authorities, the private sector and philanthropic and social partners – regarding the implementation of EYD 2015 and in the preparation of the post-2015 agenda.

For more information on EYD 2015 and to find out how to get involved, visit the EYD 2015 website or follow the Year on Twitter.  

For more information on CONCORD’s EYD 2015 civil society alliance, visit their website or follow CONCORD on Twitter.

EYD 2015 Initiatives in Ireland

Dóchas, the Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organisations, has been appointed Ireland’s national coordinator of the EYD 2015.  In Ireland, EYD 2015 is being supported through funding received from the European Commission and Irish Aid.  Dóchas intend to use the Year to raise awareness of development issues amongst Irish citizens and bring together young people, policy-makers, civil society, the private sector, academic institutions and individual stakeholders to explore and develop Irish public discourse on development.

The year of action was formally launched on Thursday, 22 January 2015 by President Michael D. Higgins in Dublin Castle.  In his keynote address, President Higgins underlined the positive impact that everyday citizens and civil society organisations can have in advancing a global agenda on development issues, stating that 2015 “is a year to encourage the direct involvement, critical thinking and active interest of citizens”.

To keep up to date with the Dóchas programme of EYD 2015 related events as it develops, or for information on how you can get involved, visit their website or follow them on Twitter.

You can also find EYD Ireland on Twitter and Facebook

For more jargon-free briefings, visit EM Ireland’s Just the Facts webpage.

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