
News > EM Ireland Statement: ‘Not in Ireland’s best interest to leave the EU’

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  • 17th February 2016 - 17:56 UTC
Participative democracy and civil dialogue

EM Ireland Statement: ‘Not in Ireland’s best interest to leave the EU’

Dublin, 17 February, 2016: European Movement (EM) Ireland has reacted to media reports of a suggestion that if the UK referendum to leave the European Union passes, then Ireland should also leave the EU.

Speaking in Dublin this afternoon, Noelle O Connell, Executive Director of EM Ireland said, “Understandably, there is much discussion about the UK’s on-going renegotiation of its EU relationship and the forthcoming referendum, particularly this week with the EU Council summit starting tomorrow. Should a ‘Brexit,’ actually occur, the notion that Ireland then in turn should also leave the European Union is not one we believe would serve Ireland’s long-term interest in any way.”

Citing an independent Red C opinion poll which the organisation commissioned last year, Ms O Connell said, “More than 4 out of every 5 Irish people support our on-going EU membership, with 84% of adults here believing that Ireland has, on balance, benefited from membership of the EU. 77% wish to remain in the EU, even if the UK leaves. In 2013, this figure was 66%.”

“While evidently the decision in the referendum to leave or remain in the EU lies with the British electorate, which includes an estimated 400,000 Irish people who will have the right to vote, EM Ireland is strongly of the view that a European Union without the UK would be a far poorer one. We have initiated a National Conversation here in Ireland about the UK’s reform agenda and the referendum,” Ms O Connell added, “and while we will of course accept the final decision of the UK electorate, we are working closely with partner organisations in Northern Ireland and beyond to ensure that the interests and voices of ordinary Irish and British people are at the forefront of this crucial debate”.


For information

The full Red C poll is available here and headline results from this poll which was carried out between 11 and 13 May, 2015, show that:

  • 86% of Irish people want Ireland to remain in the EU, rising to 95% for farmers;
  • 84% of people believe Ireland has, on balance, benefitted from membership of the EU. This increases to 88% for those aged 65 years and over;
  • 77% want Ireland to remain in the EU, even if the UK leaves the Union.

Find out more about the work of EM Ireland on their website here.


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