
News > EM Lithuania: European Awards of the Year – for helping Ukraine and Europe

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  • 12th May 2022 - 12:47 UTC

EM Lithuania: European Awards of the Year – for helping Ukraine and Europe

In order to honor the people who contributed the most to the dissemination of European Union values ​​in Lithuania, the European Movement together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Commission Representation in Lithuania presented the European Awards of the Year for the second year in a row.

This year, Jonas Ohman, a public figure, was elected European of the Year for his long-term assistance to Ukraine, and Roberta Beleckaitė, a volunteer at the Panevėžys Youth Day Center, was elected Young European of the Year for her initiatives for young people with intellectual disabilities.

The winners were solemnly awarded on May 8th. To commemorate the Europe Day event in Kaunas, organized by the European Commission Representation in Lithuania.

“For the second year in a row, Lithuania elects Europeans as the people who help the countries fighting for the most important values ​​of the European Union – freedom, democracy, respect for every person both in our country and abroad. I believe that this further strengthens the symbolism of these awards and shows how important the fundamental values ​​of the European Union are to us”, says Gaja Šavelė, Chair of the Board of the European Movement Lithuania.

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