ETUC: Ambitious proposals for sustainable recovery from the EU, now national leaders must show responsibility and solidarity
Commenting on the EU Recovery Package, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said:
“Europe is facing the worst recession since the 1930s following the worst pandemic for a hundred years, which risks massive unemployment and inequality.
“That’s why the ETUC welcomes the ambitious EU recovery strategy proposed by Ursula von der Leyen. Funds of up to €750 bn for recovery, on top of 1.1 trillion from the MFF, are what Europe needs.
“We appreciate that such massive investment will largely be provided to member states through direct grants, and that the money will be raised via common debt instruments guaranteed by the European Commission through a very much awaited increase of EU own resources, so avoiding creating additional debt in EU countries.
Read the full press release here.