Message by Europa Nostra’s Executive President and Secretary General
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is our pleasure to send you this Summer edition of the Europa Nostra Newsletter, which brings together the highlights of our activities carried out during the last three months. The 1 of July marked the start of the German Presidency of the European Union, handed over by Croatia. In these times of crisis, we are confident that, under their slogan “Together for Europe’s recovery”, cultural heritage will be duly included among the EU’s key priorities and main contributors.
Later this month, EU leaders will meet in Brussels to discuss concrete proposals on the EU recovery plans in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Ahead of this important meeting, Europa Nostra, acting also on behalf of the European Heritage Alliance, has deployed an intense advocacy campaign urging EU leaders to put culture and cultural heritage where they belong: at the very heart of Europe’s recovery and revival. This campaign included addressing individual appeals to all Presidents of the EU Institutions, each of the 27 EU Heads of State or Government, as well as all the EU Ministers in charge of culture and the Member States’ Permanent Representatives to the EU in Brussels. With these letters, we have also conveyed to the EU leaders the compelling messages of the European Heritage Alliance Manifesto ‘Cultural Heritage: a powerful catalyst for the Future of Europe‘, which was launched on 9 May.
Read the full article here.
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