European Greens: Irish Greens become the 5th Green party in government in the European Union
After their historic result in the general elections in February 2020, the Green Party of Ireland has entered into negotiations with two other parties in order to form a government. Following a Programme for Government labeled as one of the most advanced programmes by any EU Member States on climate issues, the membership of the Green Party of Ireland has approved the proposal to join the governing coalition.
Evelyne Huytebroeck and Thomas Waitz, co-chairs of the European Green Party comment:
“We congratulate the Green Party of Ireland for becoming the fifth green party in Europe currently in government. At such a crossroads for Europe and each of its member states, we are truly convinced that green parties can bring concrete solutions not just for the post-coronavirus recovery, but also for the climate crisis. The Green Party of Ireland has in particular negotiated very strong climate commitments in their Programme for Government. We are absolutely convinced they will deliver on these commitments.
The European Green Party will support their work and facilitate their cooperation with other green parties in government.”
Read the full article here.