
News > European Movement International calls for Unity of Eurozone

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Single Market and EMU

European Movement International calls for Unity of Eurozone

Following the stalemate of the negotiations in the Eurogroup on the future of the financial assistance programme to Greece, the European Movement International (EMI), at its Federal Assembly in Riga, Latvia, expresses its deep concern on the stability of the European currency area.

The EMI calls on all actors to abstain from frivolous remarks endangering the unity of the Eurozone and to return to constructive talks instead of working against one another.

The EMI believes that the integrity of the Eurozone and the irreversibility of the single European currency should not be put into question and calls on the European Union’s leadership and the Member States’ governments to uphold this principle.

Jo Leinen MEP, President, European Movement International, said:
There should be no doubt that the Eurozone will overcome the current challenges together. The Member States of the European Union and the Eurozone can either win together by re-establishing trust in the Euro as a symbol of unity, or lose together by opening the door to disintegration and disunity. The negotiations in the Eurogroup must be conducted in the spirit of cooperation and solidarity in order to find a sustainable solution for the benefit of all European citizens.”


Notes to the Editors
1. The European Movement International (EMI) is one of the largest pan and pro-European civil society organisations with currently more than 70 Member Organisations, bringing together representatives from European associations, political parties, enterprises and trade unions. www.europeanmovement.eu

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Alex Godson: +32 25 08 30 88 // +32 484 93 10 20 //

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