
News > European Movement Supports the European Pillar of Social Rights

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European Social Model

European Movement Supports the European Pillar of Social Rights

Today, the European Parliament will vote on the report on A European Pillar of Social Rights. Ahead of the expected presentation of legislative proposals by the European Commission this spring, the Parliament report lays out the key elements they believe should be addressed in the new Social Pillar.

There is a lot of public interest in the outcome of the vote, especially regarding important new elements that the report proposes. The Social Pillar is regarded as a key initiative that can have a direct and positive impact on Europeans’ lives. The European Movement International advocates a strong social dimension in the Economic and Monetary Union which could help regain the trust of European citizens.

The report of rapporteur Maria João Rodrigues MEP that is to be voted upon tomorrow includes some key elements for the European Social Pillar, including an emphasis on the important role of social partners and civil society; better coordination of socio-economic policies at the Council level; a discussion on possible existing and new resources to fund social measures; and a focus on how to safeguard and realise quality employment and adequate social protection.

Together with the Social Platform, the European Movement International has expressed its support for the Parliament report ahead of the vote. Following the plenary vote, the European Movement International will continue to contribute to the discussion and promote its position in light of the upcoming legislative proposals from the European Commission.

Download our positions on the EMU and social dimension and on the EU budget and financing sources here:

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