Eyes & Ears Europe: 18th International Awards
Call for Entries
In the context of the MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN 2016, Eyes & Ears of Europe is holding the 18th International Eyes & Ears Awards to honour the best productions of the year.
Please submit your projects in the fields of design, audio, interactive, promotion and cross-media campaigns via our submissions portal!
For exceptionally impressive overall achievements Eyes & Ears of Europe will award the Eyes & Ears special prizes. In addition, Universal Publishing Production Music donates a special prize for the ‘Best use of music’.
Download: ‘Submission Guide & Categories’
- Early Bird submission until 2 weeks before the official deadline (Effective date: 17 June 2016) € 350,-
- Standard submission starting 2 weeks before the event (Effective date: 1 July 2016) € 400,-
Depending on your membership with Eyes & Ears of Europe, you have a certain amount of free entries:
- Personal Membership – 1 free entry
- Non-Profit Educational Institution Membership – 1 free entry
- Starter Membership – 3 free entries
- Corporate Membership C – 6 free entries
- Corporate Membership B – 12 free entries
- Corporate Membership A – 18 free entries
From Wednesday, May 11, 2016 until no later than Friday, July 1, 2016, you can submit your contributions via the Internet portal http://einreichungsportal.eeofe.org/en/
Please register via the registration form on the internet portal to submit your contributions for the Eyes & Ears Awards 2015. After activation by Eyes & Ears of Europe, you will receive an email. Should you already have an account from the previous year, it is still valid.
All entries to the International Eyes & Ears Awards are judged by the three professional juries ‘Design’, ‘Interactive’ and ‘Promotion & Cross-Media-Campaigns’. Each Corporate Member can send one representative to one of those juries. Additionally, every Personal Member – except for Student Members and Reduced Personal Members – can take part in the professional jury. Each professional jury consists of a maximum of 15 members of Eyes & Ears of Europe. The three professional juries nominate three finalists in each category to be judged by the online jury.
The final judging process is done via online jury. Each Corporate Member can register two representatives for the online jury. Additionally, every Personal Member can take part in the online jury. Each Corporate Member and each Personal Member has one vote in the online jury.
Members that take part in a professional jury or take part in the online jury are required to work in the specific field and be at least senior level to ensure competent judgement in the fields ‘Design’, ‘Interactive’ und ‘Promotion & Cross-Media Campaigns’.
All the jurors from the professional and online jury can suggest especially impressive accomplishments for the Eyes & Ears Special Prizes. After reviewing the suggestions, the Board of Eyes & Ears of Europe will decide how many Special Prizes will be awarded. Each year, a maximum of three Eyes & Ears Special Prizes will be awarded.