
News > European Greens: European Greens response to COVID-19 crisis

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  • 26th March 2020 - 09:58 UTC

European Greens: European Greens response to COVID-19 crisis

Rarely before has a crisis of such scale impacted so many, in such a short time, across our planet. This is an unprecedented challenge to our societies, which humanity must face together. Solidarity and ambitious cooperation, not nationalism or egoism, will ensure we come out of this crisis stronger and wiser. We must leave no one behind and face this together with open hearts.

We, the European Greens, stand united to take our part in the response to the pandemic. Together, 

• We express our heartfelt sympathy with all those who have been infected by the virus and are fighting for their lives as well as with their families and friends; we share the grief of those who lost loved ones to the illness. 

• We affirm our solidarity with and deep appreciation for those who are risking their lives in caring for those affected by the virus. No one can overestimate what contribution they have made to our societies; this should not and will not be forgotten. Likewise, we can’t thank enough all the workers who are making sure essential services are maintained, risking their own health every day.

Read the full statement here.

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