
News > JEF Europe: Statement on Brexit

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Participative democracy and civil dialogue

JEF Europe: Statement on Brexit

JEF Europe relieved of the results in Austria but concerned about what it means for the future of Europe.

JEF Europe respects – but regrets – the decision of the British citizens and calls upon EU governments to make decisive steps for European integration

The Young European Federalists (JEF) Europe, while respecting the decision made by the British people, profoundly regrets the outcome of the referendum to leave the European Union.

Sorry you decided to leave….
JEF Europe supported the Remain campaign and its member section Young European Movement (YEM) UKs efforts to achieve a positive outcome in this referendum. JEF Europe would have hoped for a higher turn out among young people, who were more inclined to vote to remain within the EU, and regret that EU citizens living in the UK were not allowed to participate. JEF Europe would have also wished a fairer campaign, in which in Leave side would not have based its rhetoric mostly on lies, with attempts to provoke hate and fear among the British citizens.

Now that the decision has been taken, the British government has to fully implement the procedure to leave the European Union. The clear message of the referendum has to be: Out means out. In the renegotiation process between the now EU27 and UK, JEF Europe calls on the EU institutions to focus on securing an outcome favourable to the remaining 27 Member States.

…..but now it is time for us to move forward!

JEF Europe remains convinced that today not only marks the day of reacting to the British outcome. Also to the remaining 27 EU Member States, the departure of Britain marks an important juncture. To prove that it is not separation, but integration that will help Europe overcome internal and external challenges, the remaining Member States have to use this opportunity to advance political integration and move forward.

Now it is time to look ahead. For too long the British question has held off all important reform projects in the European Union. JEF Europe therefore calls upon the governments of the Eurozone countries to make urgent and decisive steps towards a true political, economic and fiscal union.

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