JEF: Press release: European leaders must choose Europe, without reservations
“Not one, not two, not three but four meetings of endless negotiations have been needed for the European Council (EUCO) to agree on a starting point for a recovery package for Europe in times of COVID-19. Even if these measures are very welcome, European leaders certainly know that this is not enough”, says Leonie Martin, President of JEF Europe. “Like in previous crises, intergovernmental institutions do not deliver on time. We need to state it once more: the sum of national interests does not coincide with European citizens’ one. The Council and EUCO should look more at the work carried out by supranational institutions, such as the European Central Bank, the European Parliament and the European Commission, to fully live up to the principle of solidarity when most need”, continues Martin.
The EUCO met on April 23rd. It finally greenlit measures that were proposed on April 9th during the Eurogroup meeting, meaning a package that sets up €540 billion in funds for Member States, companies and workers. However, the details of the recovery fund were not agreed upon. Instead, the European Council asked the European Commission to present a proposal linked to the next Multiannual Financial Framework, in order to relaunch the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic. The European Commission is expected to present its proposal on May 6th, a few days ahead of the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration.
Read the full article here.
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