KCSF: Sub-granting scheme for grass-roots CSOs advocacy initiatives in Kosovo
European Union Office in Kosovo through the project “Grant Scheme for Advocacy Initiatives of Grassroots Organisations” – implemented by the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF), provides financial support to advocacy initiatives of the grass-root civil society organizations.
Overall goal of this scheme is to support advocacy initiatives of grassroots organizations in Kosovo that contribute to changes in the society at the local level.
Therefore, EU Office and KCSF invite grass-roots organisations registered in Kosovo, to apply with proposals for project grants.
Maximum amount of funds per grant is EUR 12,000.
All additional information regarding this Call for Proposal, including the Guidelines and application forms can be found at www.kcsfoundation.org/eugrants.
Deadline for submission of proposals is 26 February, 2017 at 16:00hrs. Any submissions received after that time will not be considered.
KCSF organizes information sessions in relation to this Call for Proposals to present key information of the project and application procedures and provide opportunity for questions and clarifications.
Please join us in one of the following informative sessions:
For the purposes of this grant scheme, grassroots organizations are considered all those non-governmental organizations addressing the needs of a specific group of the society through active involvement of this group in their work, and primarily operating on volunteer basis.
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