
News > New Member of the Board at Eyes & Ears of Europe

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New Member of the Board at Eyes & Ears of Europe

Cologne, 4 Dec 2014 – Elmar Krick recently became the newest member of the board of Eyes & Ears of Europe. The marketing & creative director at UNIVERSAL NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL was elected to this position at the annual general meeting in late November. 

“The revolution has already taken place: Television content is being consumed through the various media channels as a matter of course. People are no longer discussing issues like linear or non-linear, on-air or online, mobile or stationary. Now, the issue is: Is my brand recognizable across all channels? How can I reach my viewers regardless of end device? In this context, the cross-media branding of content plays a decisive role.

Elmar Krick has been employed at UNIVERSAL NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL since 2005. As marketing & creative director, he is responsible for the on-air design and marketing appearance of all UNIVERSAL NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL broadcasts in Germany. Krick and his team have won numerous prizes at national and international festivals and creative competitions. His professional background also includes the Walt Disney Company (Germany) and PLAZAMEDIA as well as KEYS, a journal to which he contributed decisively as deputy chief editor. Krick studied music at the Robert Schumann University in Dusseldorf and graduated as an engineer in the field of audio and imaging technique.

I am very happy that Elmar Krick will support our association. He will enrich our board through his strategic and creative know how and his experience at an international pay-TV channel”, says Corinna Kamphausen, CEO of Eyes & Ears of Europe.”

In addition to Krick, the board currently consists of the following members:

President: Zeljko Karajica, CEO ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland Department Business Development, Unterföhring
Vice President: Barbara Simon, Creative Director & Brand Consultant, Munich
Treasurer: Alex Hefter, Creative Director SRF, Zürich
CEO: Corinna Kamphausen, Eyes & Ears of Europe, Cologne

Other board members:
Prof. Björn Bartholdy, Director Cologne Game Lab Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Professor for Media Design
Claus Grimm, Head of Programme Presentation and Broadcasting, Director of Deutsche Welle, Berlin
Volker Jungbäck, Head of Programme Promotion Bayerisches Fernsehen, Munich
Björn Klimek, Creative Director Promotion/Advertising RTL CREATION, Cologne
Frank Schneider, Director & CEO Filmstyler Pictures, Frankfurt/Main
Lars Wagner, VP/General Manager Disney Channels, Munich

Eyes & Ears of Europe is the association for design, promotion and marketing of audiovisual media. For nearly 20 years, the industry association has been the professional communication platform for all those who deal with the strategic planning, creation, implementation and management of audiovisual communication.

For further information, photos and interview requests contact:
Eyes & Ears of Europe –
Association for the Design, Promotion and Marketing of Audiovisual Media e.V.
Mozartstr. 3-5, D-50674 Cologne
Tel.: +49 (221) 606057-13, Fax: +49 (221) 606057-11
Email: info@eeofe.org

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