
News > PES: EU must step up and lead on international cooperation

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  • 4th June 2020 - 11:21 UTC

PES: EU must step up and lead on international cooperation

As other world-powers embrace nationalism and protectionism, the European Union must step up as a constructive, resilient, sustainable, multilateralism, and feminist force, European progressives have said.

EU High Representative Josep Borrell, Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli and former vice Secretary-General of the UN Jan Eliasson were among speakers who discussed multilateralism and feminism today during a live stream organised by the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the Party of European Socialists.

PES President Sergei Stanishev, who introduced the event, said:

“The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of global cooperation. The EU must become a world champion of diplomacy, promoting our values through honest dialogue with all our partners. We must stand for democracy, solidarity, and respect for everybody’s rights, especially women’s rights.  All around the world, women are the worst hit by poverty, lack of education, abuse, and even the social consequences of COVID19. It’s time for a feminist foreign policy.”

Read the full statement here.

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