Policy Focus | Brexit: Moment of Truth
Today, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will meet with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels to discuss the state of play and the most recent developments on the post-Brexit trade deal. So far, there have been unbridgeable differences on competition rules, fisheries, and state aid to businesses.
With the transition period drawing to a close this month, the political meeting aims to overcome several points of contention and to pave the way for a free trade agreement. The British government recently agreed to withdraw controversial clauses from the Internal Market Bill which had violated the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement and culminated in the European Commission’s opening of infringement procedures. The next few days will now be essential for preserving partnerships on trade, defence, movement, and citizens’ rights.
Key Texts
- European Commission: Future EU-UK Partnership
- European Commission: The EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement
- European Movement International: Brexit, And Now What?
Upcoming Dates
- 10-11 December: European Council
- 31 December 2020: End of Transition Period
The European Movement International position
The European Movement International believes that any agreement between the UK and the EU would pale in comparison to the benefits of EU membership. As outlined in our policy position on Brexit, and now what? Scenarios for Trade, the worst-case scenario for the UK would be to lack any kind of preferential trade agreement with the EU and for the relationship to be solely based on WTO terms. Brexit negotiations should proceed in a manner commensurate with this fact.
Our policy positions on Brexit, and now what? Scenarios for Free Movement and Brexit, and now what? Scenarios for Rights and Protections also stress the importance of maintaining the freedom of movement, environmental safeguards, workers’ rights, and multilateral collaborations that citizens across Europe hold so dear. A string of government defeats in the House of Lords indicates significant political backing for continued free movement, while recent uproar over weakened British food standards shows that fundamental EU protections—alimentary, environmental, or otherwise—still enjoy public support in the UK.