
News > Policy Focus | The Successful Integration of Migrants for a Better European Society

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Policy Focus

Policy Focus | The Successful Integration of Migrants for a Better European Society

On Tuesday, the European Commission presented its Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion for coming years. Underpinning the EU’s migration and asylum policy, the plan lays out various proposals on how to better support people with a migrant background in the EU. Despite the EU’s limited competences when it comes to social and integration policies, the plan puts forward measures that can boost skills and employment recognition, inclusive education, and access to health and housing across Member States. It remains to be seen how Member States will implement these guidelines, which are not legally binding. 

The plan recognises that a successful integration of migrants offers opportunities not only for the migrants themselves, but also for Europe’s labour market and society. To this end, the Commission’s Action Plan aims to promote a common European approach while encouraging Member States and relevant actors across Europe to share best practices and boost cooperation to advance the inclusion of migrants, to offer them equal treatment, to enhance their rights and participation in Europe’s society and to improve their access to the labour market.

The Pact on Migration and Asylum that was presented in September echoes these efforts and highlights that integration and inclusion are crucial tools to ensure a well-functioning migration and asylum policy founded on the principle of solidarity and the respect of fundamental rights.

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The European Movement International position

The core of any policy should be that migrants and asylum seekers are, first and foremost, human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, as we argue in our policy position on “Migration and the Refugee Crisis: A European Response“. In our policy position on “Migration and Europe: Protecting Fundamental Rights“, we maintain that migration and integration offer opportunities for a continent characterised by demographic decline and with labour markets in need of skilled workers.

It is crucial that all relevant actors, from the local to the European level, across sectors and including civil society, businesses, employer organisations and trade unions work together to promote a successful integration of migrants into our society. Moreover, as highlighted in our policy position on “A European Response to COVID-19“, the pandemic crisis has gravely impacted the socio-economic situation of migrants in Europe, who tend to face greater safety risks and marginalisation. It is therefore crucial to facilitate the integration and inclusion process of migrants and improve access to the labour market, especially in times of crises.

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