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Policy One Pager: Electoral Reform

European electoral reform is in the spotlight with today’s vote in the European Parliament on the own-initiative report, ‘The reform of the electoral law of the European Union’. After the vote on the report prepared by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, discussions with the Council will start. For the adoption of changes to the European electoral law, unanimity in the Council is required.

At the end of last year, members of the European Movement International adopted a full policy position on the transnationalisation of European democracy and the innovation of the European political system. The European Movement advocates the creation of a European constituency in addition to the national party lists, more autonomy for European political parties,  and a clear focus on European themes in European elections, amongst other issues.

Following the vote, you can join the co-rapporteurs for a discussion on the reform proposals on Thursday 19 November in the European Parliament. Find more details here.

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