Scholarship Gianfranco Martini 2016 offered by ALDA
ALDA is very pleased to inform you that this year the Scholarship in memory of its Honorary President has been set up.
Who can apply?
The call for applications is open to university students and researchers proposing a study work or project dealing with the topics of local democracy, engagement of civil society and/or interethnic dialogue. The aim is to receive high-quality academic research and analysis for ALDA’s fields of activity in order to develop further strategies on these topics.
Selection criteria
The applications will be selected on the following criteria:
- Originality and innovation of the proposal
- Timeliness and relevance of the research
- Clear definition and formulation of the research project’s objectives and how it will be implemented
- Relevance for ALDA’s work regarding local democracy, civil society engagement and interethnic dialogue
- Research that builds a link between theory and practice.
The selection process will be made by an evaluation committee nominated by ALDA’s governing board and the successful candidate will be announced at our annual General Assembly, which will take place in May 2016 in Paris.
How to apply?
Apply by 3rd April!
For additional information about how to apply, who is eligible, the documents required and the criteria for projects selection, please read the application document.
All the requirements should be sent in electronic version at latest by 3rd April 2016 to:
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