SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 02-04-2015
Editorial by Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General
2 April 2015
Every day, several times a day, the media broadcast updates on the proposed reforms for Greece. There is a lot of tough talking, in particular between German and Greek government officials and Parliamentarians. The formula is the same that we have seen for the last few years, and so far they have failed to reach any mutual understanding and comprehension. Objections are raised to any solutions that would be in the interests of the Greek people and not in the interests of the financial markets.
Although the word Troika seems to be banned from the official vocabulary, the Troika’s policies are still very much present as the negotiations between Greece and the EU continue their daily soap opera. But the situation of the people in Greece is not improving, and cannot improve if the notion that Greece “has to pay its debt” remains part of mainstream thinking. But where did the debts come from? And who brought Greece into the Euro? For those who have a short memory: it was the “experts” from Goldman Sachs, the financial speculators who needed public money to bail them out when their speculative behaviour and casino economics led them into trouble.
And now public opinion is being shaped by the repetition of the media message: GREXIT is possible and less costly. But is it?
Is there anyone prepared to take a responsible attitude and put an end to this kind of speculation, which will have a disastrous impact? The EU is not credible if the Troika policy only changes its name, and not its nature. This will impact the reputation of the EU and will not help to reconcile the citizens of Europe with the European Institutions. On the other side it is all too easy to blame the EU and not tackle the societal questions of countries like Greece. Positioning itself as being simply the victim of the crisis is populist and definitely not helping.
The EU should try to find solutions the Asian way: no side should lose face, if not – although understandable – Putin’s Russia will enjoy the benefits, and it will divide the EU even more. The reputation of the left-wing hero will be blown away the moment a new coalition is built with a country that wants to rehabilitate its imperialistic past by moving the borders of our continent.
There is no lesser evil: Europe can still change its attitude and support solutions which put social consolidation first! For the sake of the people!
For the sake of Europe “We don’t need another hero” (Tina Turner, 1985), we need other policies.
Together for Social Europe
SOLIDAR Statement: SOLIDAR at the Forefront to Promote the Respect of Fundamental Rights in the EU
1 April 2015
On Monday 30 March 2015, the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee of the European Parliament organised a public hearing to discuss with MEPs and other stakeholders the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union. Contributions came – amongst others – from the First Vice-President of the European Commission Timmermans, the Chair of Council’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Kristine Lice, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. MEP Laura Ferrara, rapporteur on the LIBE own-initiative report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU, stressed the need to develop an Internal Strategic Framework on fundamental rights – like that already applied in EU external relations – in close cooperation with other institutions and civil society organisations. Such a strategy should include mechanisms to undergo an ex ante and ex post assessment of the impact of European policies (including fiscal consolidation dictates) on fundamental rights as well as improving monitoring of the situation of fundamental rights in collaboration with the Fundamental Rights Agency.
SOLIDAR welcomes the fact that the European Parliament dedicated a public hearing and a report to the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union, especially given the increasing threats to fundamental rights as a consequence of austerity measures. Austerity measures have led undeniably to the deterioration of the conditions that enable people to exercise fundamental rights, the violation of these rights and a weakening of protection standards, with migrants, people with disabilities and women being disproportionally affected – as also emerged in the findings of the report presented yesterday.
You can read the full statement here.
Negotiating TTIP – demanding a more socially just and sustainable agreement
2 April 2015
On 1 April, the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL) of the European Parliament (EP) voted on its opinion on the EP’s “Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)”. A majority of MEPs consisting of Social Democrats, Greens, Liberals and GUE – against Conservative opposition – adopted all Compromise Amendments, containing important progressive demands for a more socially just and sustainable free trade agreement with the US. SOLIDAR supports the EMPL opinion and calls for its comprehensive inclusion into the EP’s report on TTIP, where the International Trade Committee (INTA) is in the lead.
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Building Learning Societies
Digital Single Market and need for skills
2 April 2015
Technology shapes and becomes an integral part of our daily habitat, and plays a vastly increasing role in all sectors from the economy and health to education. This week the European Commission presented for discussion the Digital Single Market Strategy that builds on the Digital Agenda, a pillar of the Europe 2020 Strategy. One of the proposed actions focuses on Creating a European Digital Economy and Society with long-term growth potential. “Going digital” is seen as a goldmine of opportunities and economic growth prospects, but how to promote digital literacy, skills and inclusion remains a challenge.
The development of digital skills is placed high on the agenda and is presented as a way to allow citizens to benefit from the services offered online, as well as to enhance job market prospects. Together with the prioritising the STEM skills (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) our education systems are going to be transformed to accommodate the needs of the data-driven economy. Hence we will see how technology can support people in connecting with each other, and reaching out to socially excluded and vulnerable groups. Digital exclusion should not aggravate existing problems, therefore now more than ever we need to focus on developing inclusive digital services that accommodate the needs of all groups of people.
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Organising International Solidarity
SOLIDAR Mobilising for Social Justice at the World Social Forum – Activity Report
1 April 2015
From 24 to 28 March 2015 SOLIDAR together with a delegation of members and partner organisations participated at the World Social Forum in Tunis to mobilise for social justice in the Middle East and North Africa region and strengthen strategic alliances with regional partners, independent trade unions and progressive political forces.
Throughout the four days, SOLIDAR in collaboration with the Global Progressive Forum, UGTT, CGIL, the Arab NGO Network for Development and partner organisations, hosted a wide variety of workshops that took place at the El Manar University Campus with the support of over 30 NGOs, Trade Unions and Civil Society Organisations, all aiming to design alternative policies, in which decent work, social protection for all, human rights and social economy take the lead role. The main objective remains to bring solidarity back to the heart of decision making (full programme).
Day 1 – First Steering Group Meeting of Regional MENA Programme
On 24 March SOLIDAR held the first Steering Group Meeting of a four-year European Commission-funded programme to promote Decent Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the Middle East and North Africa.
This programme, that involves 21 partner organisations across seven Southern Neighbourhood Countries and Europe, strives to build a strong and reliable platform to interface with the European Institutions in building an inclusive dialogue on the revision of the European Neighbourhood Policy around the theme of decent work and social protection, and freedom of association.
Day 2 – Workshops at the El Manar University, the Social Justice space
On the 25 March, SOLIDAR organised a Workshop on ‘Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa region’ that saw the participation of Isabel Ortiz, the Director of the Social Protection Department at the International Labour Organisation in Geneva, Richard Howitt, Member of the European Parliament (S&D Group, UK Labour) and Coordinator for the Socialists and Democrats in the Sub-committee on Human Rights and representatives from the Trade Unions, and civil society organisations from both shores of the Mediterranean.
This roundtable also served as the occasion to launch a joint briefing titled ‘Key Principles for a Revised European Neighbourhood Policy’ on the future of the European Neighbourhood Policy, together with SOLIDAR’s strategic partner in the region, the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), to showcase SOLIDAR leading role in mobilising for social justice across the MENA region and in Europe.
On the same day, SOLIDAR participated in a workshop organised by the Global Progressive Forum (GPF) on ‘Tax Justice and Financing Development’. This workshop was co-organised by SOLIDAR, ActionAid, OXFAM, Global Alliance for Tax Justice, CNCD 11.11.11, Public Services International, Christian Aid, FGTB/ABVV and CSC-ACV. The workshop saw the participation of Sandrine Mazetier, vice President of the French National Assembly, and Norbert Neuser, member of the European Parliament (S&D Group, SPD) and member of the development committee.
Lastly, SOLIDAR co-organised another workshop led by the GPF on ‘Trade and Decent Work’. This panel saw the participation of Michaela Dodini, the Head of Trade Section, EU Delegation in Tunisia, Daniele Basso, advisor at the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Nicolas Van Nuffel, Director of Advocacy CNCD Belgium and Karin Debroey, CSC Belgium. Among other issues, the participants discussed the inclusion of enforceable social clauses in FTAs and the importance of continuing to hold public and transparent consultations with all parties, including trade unions and civil society.
Other activities that SOLIDAR co-organised and/or participated in on the 25th were: ‘La contribution de la démarche pluri-acteurs à la réduction des inégalités d’accès aux droits économiques et sociaux’, organised by SOLIDAR member Solidarité Laïque in collaboration with the Tunisian Forum for Youth Empowerment (TFYE).
Day 3 – More workshops at the El Manar University, the Social Justice space
On Thursday 26 March, SOLIDAR members and partners organised several workshops during the World Social Forum:
- ‘La lutte pour la santé et la protection sociale est une lutte transversal syndicat national des medecins des pharmaciens et des medecins dentists de la santé publique’, organised by the UGTT, People’s Health Movement (PHM) and the Union General des Etudiants de Tunisie (UGET);
- ’Economie informelle’, a workshop jointly organised by SOLIDAR, CFDT, CGIL and Forum Tunisiens Des Droits Economiques et Sociaux;
- ‘Droits des femmes travailleuses’,organised by the trade unions UGTT, CFDT, FGTB/ABVV, Centrale Nationale des Employés (CNE), CGIL, the GPF and Fédération Artisans du Monde.
- ‘Droits des migrants en Tunisie a quand un cadre juridique’ organised by SOLIDAR member ARCS/ARCI and Forum Tunisien Des Droits Economiques et Sociaux.
- ‘Emploi décent pour les jeunes’ organised by Union Gén éral des Etudiants de Tunisie (UGET), FGTB/ABVV, CGIL and Confédération Européenne des Syndicats (CES)
Day 4 – More workshops, with our main Focus on ‘a Progressive Approach to Women’s Rights’
On 27 March the GPF in collaboration with SOLIDAR, AWID, CGIL, UGTT and FGTB/ABVV organised a workshop on ‘a Progressive Approach to Women’s Rights’.
The workshop saw the participation of Lobna Jeribi from the Arab Social Democratic Forum and Marie Arena, Member of the European Parliament (S&D Group, PS Belge), Zita Gurmai, President of PES Women and Hafidha Chekir, the founder of the Association Tunisienne des Femmes Democrates (ATFD).
The debate focused on the need to revitalise women’s civil society and political movements to ensure women’s economic, social and political empowerment as part of the fight for social justice.
The full version of the activity report can be found here.
Photos of SOLIDAR at the World Social Forum 2015 can be found here.