SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 03-10-2014
Editorial by Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General
Hong Kong – Lampedusa – Brussels
03 October 2014
Whereas in Brussels the hearings of the Commissioners-designate have become our centre of gravity, in Hong Kong there is a new uprising by citizens standing up for their rights. Nobody dares say it out loud: is there a risk of another Tiananmen? Will demonstrators again be sacrificed on the altar of so-called geo-strategic and economic interests? We support our partners from the HKCTU and the other forces who are trying to defend the few square miles of liberty that is Hong Kong, compared to mainland China.
At the same time progressive civil society and trade union activists are gathering in Lampedusa to commemorate more than 350 victims found dead on the beaches of this tiny island. For those who survive the “cruise of death”, there is more humiliation and discrimination in store. In the absence of a real migration and integration policy, the populations of the Member States are guided more by fear than opportunity. Cities and communities are left to deal with this human tide on their own, while the practical difficulties surrounding integration feed racism, rejection and exclusion. The discourse surrounding possible solutions is still focused on border protection and management of migration flows, while nothing is being done in terms of real socio-economic development. Free trade zones are not the solution, nor are trade agreements which tend to unilaterally benefit the global North.
When the families of the victims arrived yesterday in Lampedusa media coverage was high. They did not look at the cameras however, they looked in our eyes asking ‘why did this happen’? Why are we not able to prevent humanitarian tragedies that cost more than 2000 lives in the last year alone? Europe has been built on values and a welfare model. This is our social aquis and it is on this basis that we need to work for open and inclusive societies inside and outside Europe. Migration and integration policy will be the litmus test for the credibility of governance.
These questions have to be raised in the hearing with the Commissioner-designates. Together we have to achieve policy change, by putting solidarity at the heart of the EU’s migration and asylum policies. Promises are insufficient but need actions to achieve results, real progress and a positive social impact!
Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament and Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General at the Sabir Festival in Lampedusa, Italy
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Together for Solidarity at the core of EU Migration Policy, SOLIDAR in Lampedusa
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In the last two decades thousands of migrants died in the Mediterranean Sea in their attempt to reach European borders seeking international protection, better life and better opportunities. This ongoing human tragedy cannot be ignored and requires immediate action by the European institutions. SOLIDAR is present at the Sabir Festival of Mediterranean Cultures, organised by among others our member ARCI to put forward these messages in order to contribute to realising a change in European policy and advancing social justice in Europe and worldwide.
You can follow SOLIDAR at Sabir through our twitter feed.
Read the SOLIDAR statement titled ‘Wanted: Solidarity at the Heart of EU Migration and Development Policies’.
SOLIDAR News during Hearings Week
Social Affairs
TTIP: Listen to the citizens, Mrs. Malmström and take civil society concerns into account!
29 September 2014
In its Federal committee meeting on 27 September, SOLIDAR member Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) adopted a clear position on the ongoing negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the US. The position paper (attached) lists the demands that the AWO sees as essential if it is to support a possible free trade agreement. Read more
Let’s work Together for Social Europe, Commissioner(-to-be) Thyssen!
30 September 2014
Ahead of the hearing of Commissioner-Designate for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, SOLIDAR stressed the utmost urgency of not only reinforcing but re-establishing the social foundation of “our” Europe. Six years of financial, social and economic crises have left their mark on Europe’s social model. While countries with strong welfare systems have survived the past years with less damage than countries with weak welfare and social security systems, any trace of social progress has vanished in almost all EU countries, not least thanks to severe austerity policies imposed by the Troika on our Southern neighbours. Read more
Education and Lifelong Learning
01 October 2014
Building inclusive learning societies NOW!
Prior to the hearing of the Commissioner-designate for Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship, Tibor Navracsics, SOLIDAR has called for better inclusion, social, cultural and economic participation, sustainable investment and equal access to lifelong learning for all to become priority areas for the work of the European Commission in its new mandate. Read more
In relation to the nomination of Tibor Navracsics, SOLIDAR in collaboration with multiple civil society organisations has signed an open letter to Jean-Claude Juncker and the Europe+ statement
International Cooperation
Solidarity as the key ingredient for International Cooperation and Development Policy
30 September 2014
Neven Mimica has been nominated by the Croatian Social Democratic Party to be Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development. Mimica described the EU in his opening speech as being one of the leading actors in the implementation of International Cooperation and Development policies in the global arena. With the commitment to honour the Millennium Development goal of 0.7 percent of national GDP to be dedicated to Development Aid, the EU is making a significant step towards a more equal global society. However, the job is far from done. Read more
Securing democracy takes centre stage on Mr. Hahn’s to do list
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