SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 14-10-2016
14 October 2016
After a relatively quiet time, the questions revealed by the BREXIT vote and its impact on the future of the European project are beginning to be tackled: they were at the heart of two events last weekend: the European Civic Academy in La Rochelle and the Perugia Assisi Peace March, and this week were the focus of conferences by the two major European Think Tanks: European Policy Centre and Friends of Europe. And finally at yesterday’s launch of the SDG watch Europe.
Where can we find answers in times of doubts, of fear of losing control, of still ongoing crises? They are not blowing in the wind, nor are they on a road to nowhere. Many citizens see reasons to turn away from the European project and from democracy: some are driven by the feeling of being left behind and others are just afraid of losing. Some seek security in a more repressive and illiberal Europe or are seduced by the siren voices and simplistic answers of the populists, but the latest polls show that a majority of EU citizens are still in favour of the EU, even though they have their doubts and criticisms.
Trust and solidarity cannot be ordered or decreed. They are to a large extent dependent on the delivery and credibility of policies and politicians. If BREXIT serves as a wakeup call, at least it could help Europe to regain ambition, because without ambition the hearts and minds of its citizens will not be reached. Populists have understood and moved away from an aggressive neo-liberal programme to a more social orientation. They are defeating our values of democracy, solidarity and social justice. The progressives have again realised that it is the social question, social consolidation, which is at stake. There are positive signs, as the mantra of growth and competitiveness was not the leading subject this week in the Brussels debate.
CSOs have again clearly committed to growing stronger and joining forces in coalitions and alliances, to putting the goals of peace, welfare and social cohesion on the table. The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda can be developed as the framework for such a project and for a socially, economically, environmentally and politically sustainable Europe. We will put it at the heart of our advocacy at the European level and will work together with all progressive forces to put it on the mainstream agenda of the EU! It is our contribution to a new direction for a progressive Europe!
‘Democracy gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed’ (Bob Dylan, © 1979 by Special Rider Music)
SDG Watch Europe – an alliance of civil society organisations ensuring the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
Yesterday evening, on 13 October 2016, the official launch of SDG Watch Europe took place at the representation of North Rhine Westphalia.
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CSOs providing social services in the Western Balkans: challenges and opportunities
On Tuesday 11 October, SOLIDAR, our member ASB-SEE and the IRIS network organised a round table debate to discuss the challenges and opportunities for CSOs providing social services in the Western Balkans.
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‘From Europe to local: Migrating solidarity’ a new publication
On Monday 10 October SOLIDAR and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies launched our latest publication ‘From Europe to local. Migrating solidarity’.
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SOLIDAR @ PerugiaAssisi Peace March
On 8 October SOLIDAR, together with its Italian member CGIL, and in collaboration with UIL, CISL Tavila della Pace and Rete della Pace co-organised an international conference titled ‘Europe and the Mediterranean. Places of Peace and Rights: For all or for the few?’ in Perugia, Italy.
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SOLIDAR project leads the way in analysing the challenges for youth access to Decent Work in Palestine
On 6 October, on the eve of the World Day for Decent Work – SOLIDAR member the Spanish NGO Movimiento por la Paz (MPDL) and The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organisations Network (PNGO), organised the social policy making workshop “Pathways to Decent Work for Youth” in Al Bireh, Palestine.
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Lunch time discussion on the ‘Impact of the economic crisis on youth – the Youth Guarantee a new approach to tackling youth unemployment’
Organised by SOLIDAR Foundation and NOVA-Norwegian Social Research in the framework of the NEGOTIATE research project
16 November 2016 | Brussels, Belgium
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