
News > SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 19-06-2015

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European Social Model

SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 19-06-2015

Editorial by Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General

Another brick in the wall

19 June 2015

The border between Hungary and Austria was opened even before the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 and paved the way to the new Europe we now live in. Although the social system is under pressure and inequality has been rising within and between member states, the European model is still very attractive. People fleeing wars and other uncertainties want to build a life of peace and protection, in Europe. This is the main motivation for those people who risk their lives and invest enormous amounts of money to come to Europe, although the price of their tribute to our union may be far too high.

We have unfortunately got used to the pictures of migrants arriving in Lampedusa, Sicily and Malta against a beautiful background of blue water and blue sky. Yet we see much less, in the media, of the stream of migrants who choose the land route via the Balkans, arriving for example in Hungary, and give them little thought.

Now Hungary has announced it is building a new wall, 4 metres high, to prevent migrants from entering the country. What a reversal only 26 years after the very welcome act of opening the iron curtain. It is no surprise that an autocrat like Orban, who benefits from a popular and populist support in his own country where he wants to reintroduce the death penalty, should have this kind of response.

What will Europe do? Protest or turn a blind eye? What will his political family do? Protest or turn a blind eye?

On Saturday 20 June we can use International Refugee Day to protest against this act and continue calling for an urgent humanitarian solution like the establishment of a humanitarian corridor. Public opinion may not always be with us on this question, but we will stick to our values and our commitment to human and social rights!

Together for Social Europe

New briefing: Assessing social progress in the Western Balkans – SOLIDAR contribution to the Enlargement Package 2015

19 June 2015

Today (19 June), SOLIDAR together with its IRIS Network partners took part in a meeting organised by the European Commission (DG NEAR) to provide inputs into the progress made in candidate countries in terms of social inclusion, human rights and civil dialogue. The meeting was held in the framework of DG NEAR’s annual consultations with international and non-governmental organisations on the preparation of the 2015 Enlargement package. On this occasion, SOLIDAR has launched its new briefing No. 74 Assessing social progress in the Western Balkans which is based on the feedback from a consultation with our strategic partners in Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo who are part of the IRIS Networ k, a regional network that brings together CSOs providing social services in the Western Balkans.
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SOLIDAR at the EESC’s Civil Society Day 2015

19 June 2015

On 16 June the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted the 2015 Civil Society Day in Brussels. SOLIDAR Secretary General Conny Reuter, as the Co-President of the EESC’s Liaison Group with Civil Society Organisations, was present throughout the day and participated at several panels and in the workshops.

The event hosted stakeholders from European and national Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), the EU institutions, businesses and the media. SOLIDAR underlined the importance of Civil Dialogue at the EU level, that should be more focused on the actual content of legislative initiatives rather than (de)regulation, and discussed how to contribute to the social and civic dimension of governance and how Civil Dialogue could contribute to the EU’s external policies. Civil Society Day, which is organised by the EESC and the Liaison Group, is a strong illustration of the importance of the role of Civil Society within the European Union, particularly when it comes to lawmaking. Article 11 of the Lisbon Treaty guarantees Civil Dialogue when it comes to lawmaking but there is still a lot of room for improvement.
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Building Learning Societies

Lifelong Learning: Paving the way to learning and qualifications

18 June 2015

On 15-16 June SOLIDAR took part in the General Assembly and the Annual Conference of the European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) organised in Luxembourg, the country that will be taking over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This year’s conference “Lifelong Learning: Paving the way to learning and qualifications” focused on assessing progress and formulating policy proposals for national and EU learning strategies.

In today’s constantly changing world the notion of learning, previously limited to formal education, has changed. Lifelong learning has becoming more and more important, thanks to the much broader scope and availability of learning opportunities and environments, as well as life transitions that require updated skills and competences. In the last few years, most countries have achieved progress in developing national strategies, yet firm political commitment to this aim, and its implementation, is still weak. Budgetary constraints and austerity measures should not affect education, and we shall promote policies that are in favour of investment in education.
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Organising International Solidarity

The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), our key principles up close – Freedom of Association in Palestine

19 June 2015

Freedom of association and peaceful assembly must be recognised as an enabling right that fosters inclusive development. The social movements that have flooded the streets of the Arab Spring have the potential to democratise the state and secure democratic transition. The right to assemble and organise is a precondition for the defence of collective rights and remains at the core of any functioning democratic system.

SOLIDAR member Movement for Peace (MPDL) and partners in Palestine, Democracy and Workers’ rights centre (DWRC), Palestinian NGO Network Organisation (PNGO) and Stars of Hope, and the Palestinian National Authority met during the “Know your rights workshop” in Gaza City on 10, 11 and 13 June in Ramallah to discuss the limitations and challenges undermining freedom of association in Palestine.

The workshops were organised in the framework of the SOLIDAR-led and European Commission-funded regional project “Decent Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the Middle East and North Africa: Mobilising for Social Justice by strengthening and promoting the role of CSOs, social movements and (independent) trade unions in reforms and democratic change”.
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Decent Work and Social Protection for All: A Global Challenge, a Common Engagement | SOLIDAR – FOS – SOLSOC Mission to the ILO Conference, the main results

19 June 2015

In the framework of its advocacy and campaign work to promote Decent Work and Social Protection for All, SOLIDAR together with its Members – Solidar Suisse, FOS-Solidaristische Solidariteit and Solidarité Socialiste – attended the 104th Session of the International Labour Organisation’s Conference in Geneva to support the demands of its partners – Asmade (Burkina Faso) and the Coordinadora Sindical de trabajadores azucareros (El Salvador)- for Freedom of Association, Decent Work and Universal Access to Health.

One of the main objectives of this visit was to put pressure on El Salvador’s Labour Minister to win full recognition for Sitracaña (sugar cane cutters trade union) and a commitment to establish tripartite social dialogue for the sugar cane sector.

Thanks to international pressure, SOLIDAR together with its member FOS that attended the ILO-ILC is able to announce that this objective has been accomplished and has resulted in the Minister recognising Sitracaña’s legal status as a trade union and agreeing to tripartite dialogue with the sugar cane workers. However, the real work still needs to be done, to ensure that the sugar cane workers in El Salvador will actually be able to enforce their own rights. SOLIDAR Member FOS will keep putting pressure in this direction.

SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards

On Wednesday 3 June 2015, the 13th edition of the SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards was held in the European Parliament’s Members Restaurant, organised with the support of the S&D Group, the Party of European Socialists and EurActiv. The evening was opened by Paca Sauquillo, newly elected SOLIDAR President. The entire evening was dedicated to the organisations and individuals who had won awards in the four different categories, Organising International Solidarity, Building Learning Societies, Together for Social Europe and the Lifetime Achievement award. This annual event brings together policy makers, trade unionists and civil society organisations (CSOs) to pay tribute to those who have contributed significantly to advancing social justice in Europe and worldwide. Above all the evening reflected the impact CSOs can have. A more detailed description of the evening and photos can be found here.

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