
News > SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 26-06-2015

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European Social Model, Participative democracy and civil dialogue

SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 26-06-2015

Editorial by Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General

European credibility?

26 June 2015

From time to time we are told that the EU always emerges stronger from a crisis, but this time there are many reasons to doubt it. Lurching between comedy and tragedy, the leaders of our Union look as though they are simply not yet up to the key challenges.

Migration: some major Member States have again refused yesterday to accept a quota system or any concrete steps towards a humanitarian solution for those migrating to Europe. Instead there remain vague promises and a discourse which is very much focused on fighting irregular migration. Although fleeing wars has never been a form of regular migration! Not only is the lack of engagement a disappointment, there is also the worrying political discourse, yet again, which gives a new lease of life to arguments of populist parties, as illustrated by the result of the Danish elections last week.

Deepening the Union: the five Presidents’ contribution falls behind the previous proposals presented under the auspices of Mr van Rompuy. There is not a single mention of the social dimension, or social convergence. Have we forgotten all about the articles included the Treaties on the ambition of social and territorial cohesion and the overarching article 9 on the social dimension? Will we have to go to the European Court of Justice one day to launch an official procedure? What we read in the papers are the outdated mantras of competiveness, the so-called reforms and again intergovernmental approaches instead of the community method. We have already witnessed the disastrous social effects, which extend beyond the programme countries. Deepening the Union may not be popular, but is needed if we want to have social progress.

Greece: today we still do not know whether we are witnessing a tragedy. But GREXIT would open a Pandora’s box, and every leader should be aware that Golden Dawn is just waiting for the Syriza government to fail. Do we want to be in a situation at the end of the month where economic and fiscal orthodoxy have again brought punishment into the political arena! Be warned and act reasonably!

We do not need improved communication tools and the possibility of asking the Commission questions through a website: social dialogue and civil dialogue are enshrined in the Treaties and should be better used. Trade unions and Civil Society still promote the ideal of a Europe based on values and ambitions towards their constituencies. This still seems to be in line with the political project at EU level, but not in line with how our constituencies experience Europe. Therefore we have started to contribute to develop alternatives to the narrow minded economic and monetary policies approaches and we will continue to build up strong alliances for progressive reforms and policies. Many initiatives are on the way in Union movement, Think Tanks and civil society, but still need some stronger coordination if we want to have a real impact on better policy making. Time to act!

Together for Social Europe

Nine NGOs call upon the European Council for a different EU migration policy – Bridges, not weapons!

24 June 2015

On the morning of 24 June SOLIDAR together with the European Association for the Defence of Human Rights (AEDH), Emmaüs Europe, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Networks, European Alternatives, FEANTSA, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Doctors of the World & Migreurop used a press conference to call on the European institutions to put solidarity and the respect of human rights at the heart of migrant, asylum seeker and refugee reception policies.
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Social Progress Lab: need for alternative reforms to enhance Europe’s social dimension

26 June 2015
The five Presidents’ report of 22 June 2015 sets out the vision of the European institutions for strengthening Europe’s economic, financial, and fiscal union, but says little or nothing about the social dimension of the Union. SOLIDAR regrets that this report is another missed opportunity to place social progress on an equal footing with economic growth and fiscal responsibility.
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Building Learning Societies

Riga Conclusions on Vocational Education and Training

23 June 2015

Ministers from the EU Member States, Candidate Countries, European Economic Area Countries, as well as the European social partners and the European Commission met in Riga on 22 June to discuss the further deepening of European cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET). At a time when 4.7 million young people cannot find jobs, vocational education and training, as well as work-based learning provide an opportunity for the development of professional skills and to access the labour market. VET should be seen as a part of lifelong learning and be accessible to students at all stages of their lives.
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Organising International Solidarity

The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), our key principles up close – AFET report on the ENP review: a step in the right direction for a more social and human rights-based European Neighbourhood Policy

26 June 2015

On 11 June 2015, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) adopted the draft report prepared by Eduard Kukan, member of the European Parliament (EPP), on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) review.

SOLIDAR warmly welcomes the reference to several amendments proposed by SOLIDAR on the ENP, that reflect our “Key Principles for a Revised European Neighbourhood Policy” jointly developed with the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) and the Euromed Non-Governmental Platform.

In particular, we strongly welcome those amendments that strengthen the social dimension of the ENP, stress the necessity to anchor the ENP on universal values, promote freedom of association as an enabling right for the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs), and foster inclusive, meaningful and transparent regional dialogue with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).
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