
News > SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 27-03-2015

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European Social Model, Participative democracy and civil dialogue

SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 27-03-2015

Editorial by Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General

The global concern: fighting increasing inequalities!

27 March 2015

This week SOLIDAR has been involved in a series of seminars in the World Social Forum (WSF) in Tunis and in the Progressive Alliance conference in Mexico around the issues of social justice, fighting inequalities and exclusion. Three continents and one concern: how to reduce inequalities and to promote human rights and freedom of association. The WSF has not only demonstrated the determination to stand with the Tunisian people against the attempts to undermine the fruits of the revolution and to stop the process of establishing a democratic systems based on rights enshrined in the new Constitution, but also to seek real sustainable socio-economic development. The process is just at its beginning and Europe must make full use of the review of the Neighbourhood policy to invest in social protection and development to show at least in this country that another way of societal development is possible, which might set an example for neighbouring countries.

In Central- and Latin America Progressives are preparing a common agenda for the coming EU-CELAC summit which will take place in June in Brussels. Again the concern is the same, in particular in a country like Mexico which is undergoing a tremendous humanitarian crisis linked to the violence and corruption around drugs, their production, distribution and consumption. When producing and dealing with drugs is the “best” way to survive or to become rich, how can we develop a sustainable economic model that finds the balance between economic, social and environmental needs? Trade relations also have a role to play: if the EU continues to promote sub-regional agreements instead of a common trade and development agenda, the disparities will continue to increase. If enforceable labour standards, as also requested for the TTIP, are not integrated, freedom of association and social dialogue will not become a standard. If TISA allows the privatisation of public and social services, democracy and the rule of law will not be the vector of sustainable development.

Thinking globally, acting nationally, regionally and locally is not new, but the feeling that we need more progressive global coordination is becoming stronger. This is a chance not be left out! Progress is only valid if shared by all!

SOLIDAR Mobilising for Social Justice at the World Social Forum

An Overview

24 – 28 March 2015

From the 24 to 28 March 2015 SOLIDAR together with a delegation of members and partner organisations is taking part in the World Social Forum in Tunis to mobilise for social justice in the Middle East and North Africa region and strengthen strategic alliances with regional partners, independent trade unions and progressive political forces.

Throughout these four days, we are hosting a wide variety of workshops that will take place at the El Manar University Campus with the support of over 30 NGOs, Trade Unions and Civil Society Organisations, all aiming to design alternative policies, in which decent work, social protection for all, human rights and social economy take the lead role. The main objective remains to bring solidarity back to the heart of decision making.
More on all our activities and workshops can be found here.

Together for Social Europe

“Café Pédagogique” on migration organised by CEMEA in Lille

24 March 2015

Last week SOLIDAR participated in a “café pédagogique” organised by our member CEMEA in Lille (France) to discuss the issue of migration and social assistance. The cafés are public debates organised three times a year with the aim of stimulating discussion among social workers, volunteers and anybody else interested in social, pedagogical and cultural issues. The methods implemented have the aim of facilitating an exchange of ideas, spur reflections and new cooperation by involving different people in an open discussion.

The meeting held on 17 March 2015 also served as an educational exchange between students and future social workers in Lille and students of the University of Applied Social Sciences of Cologne, Germany.
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Social Services Europe Breakfast Session on the Contribution of Non-profit Service Providers

26 March 2015

On the morning of 26 March, Social Services Europe (SSE) held a Breakfast Session titled “Job creation and Economic Growth in the Health and Social Sector; The Contribution of Non-profit Service Providers” at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels that was co-organised by SOLIDAR. The meeting was hosted by Ariane Rodert, Member of the EESC, and chaired by the following Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Heinz Becker (EPP), Jutta Steinruck (S&D) and Jean Lambert (the Greens). From the European Commission Concetta Cultrera of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities also took part in the lively discussion about the significance of the Social Sector in European politics. Social Services Europe members Laura Jones from Eurodiaconia and Luk Zelderloo from EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) presented the position of SSE, of which SOLIDAR is one of the eight member organisations.
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Building Learning Societies

WOW – World of Work project launched

26 March 2015

Youth can be engaged and mobilised to create change when they are offered tools such as personal skills and knowledge of European affairs, such as socio-economic conditions, rights and opportunities for youth in Europe, especially in times of high youth unemployment. The figure of 14 million youths between 15 and 29 who are not in employment, education or training should be seen as equal to the indicator of youth exclusion from education and the labour market. This comes at a high cost, notably their sense of increasing vulnerability, alienation, disenfranchisement etc. To counteract this, we need to empower youth to act and to develop pathways for their integration into society and the labour market.

SOLIDAR member organisation FIC has initiated and leads the Erasmus+ project to support youth in developing better employment opportunities and raising their knowledge about decent working conditions. The project is being implemented by Ideas Institute, IDC Serbia, Filcams-CGIL and SOLIDAR Foundation. In the course of the project young NEETs, youth workers, and volunteers will become empowered through peer-to-peer learning to engage in social and democratic processes in their local communities to better advocate for youth rights and access to quality employment opportunities, as well as to raise awareness regarding possible indecent working conditions.
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Organising International Solidarity

SOLIDAR Mobilising for Social Justice at the World Social Forum

24 – 28 March 2015

Day 1 – Kick-off MENA Project

On 24 March SOLIDAR launched a four-year European Commission-funded programme to promote Decent Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the Middle East and North Africa.

This programme, that involves 21 partner organisations across seven Southern Neighbourhood Countries and Europe, aims to build a strong and reliable platform to work with the European Institutions on building an inclusive dialogue on the revision of the European Neighbourhood Policy around the theme of decent work and social protection, and freedom of association.
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Day 2 – Workshops at the El Manar Univeristy, the Social Justice space

SOLIDAR organised a Workshop on Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa region, that saw the participation of Isabel Ortiz, from the ILO, members of the European Parliament and representatives from the Trade Unions, and civil society organisations from both shores of the Mediterranean. This roundtable was also used to launch a joint briefing titled ‘Key Principles for a Revised European Neighbourhood Policy‘ on the future of the European Neighbourhood Policy, together with SOLIDAR’s strategic partner in the region, the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), to showcase SOLIDAR’s leading role in mobilising for social justice across the MENA region and in Europe.
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Day 3 – More workshops at the El Manar Univeristy, the Social Justice space

On Thursday 26 March, the Social Justice space at the El Manar University in Tunis offered multiple workshops organised by SOLIDAR Members and Partners; ‘La lutte pour la santé et la protection sociale est une lutte transversal – Syndicat national des medecins des pharmaciens et des medecins dentists de la santé publique’, ‘Economie informelle’, ‘Droits des femmes travailleuses’, ‘Droits des migrants en Tunisie : a quand un cadre juridique ?’ and ‘Emploi décent pour les jeunes’.
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Day 4 – More workshops, with our main focus on ‘A Progressive approach to Women’s Rights’

Today, 27 March, SOLIDAR in cooperation with the GPF, AWID, CGIL, UGTT and FGTB is organising a workshop titled ‘a Progressive Approach to Women’s’ Rights’ at the El Manar Univeristy (Salle de Lecture 2).

The following questions are being discussed:

How can we revitalise the women’s civil society and political movements be it cross-party, cross-generations, cross-sectorial, cross-religion or cross-social status?
How we can overcome the hurdles in front of them, to find synergies and continue in a positive progressive way forward and ensure women’s economic, social and political empowerment as part of the fight for social justice?
How can women’s rights movements, with new and young women activists/ feminists, address today’s issues in order for rights to be adopted and implemented and women’s role and situation be improved?
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Members News

SOLIDAR Member Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) launched their campaign in which they want to draw attention to the fact that everyone is able to learn first aid. They call upon everyone who already knows how to give first aid to take a photo, share it through social media and sign their petition. More information on their campaign can be found here.

Alianza por la Solidaridad in collaboration with UNFM has produced a manual that provides a model of intervention and develops protocols that allow joint action between education and social services. This manual contains a teacher protocol to help detect minors at risk of neglect or violence in schools in Morocco. They have spent many years supporting the implementation of public policy on the protection of children at risk of social exclusion. More information can be found here.

The European Association for the Defence of Human Rights (AEDH) is looking for a young graduate for their traineeship programme, today is the last day to apply. More information can be found here.

Partners News

Social Platform has published a position paper on the minimum wage titled ‘Working towards the introduction of adequate minimum wages for all in every Member State’ which shows that in most Member States the minimum wage is below the poverty wage level. Here you can find an infographic that they have made, showing the percentages of minimum wages in comparison to the national median wage.

European Women’s Lobby as part of their 50/50 Campaign 2012 – 2014 has published an article titled ‘Pushing towards parity in European national elections— Vote for #womeninpolitics 2015!’ in which they call for more equality within policy making positions, given that empowering women to take leadership positions is crucial for sustainable economies and democratic and just societies.

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