
News > SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 30-09-2016

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  • 30th September 2016 - 15:59 UTC
European Social Model, Participative democracy and civil dialogue

SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 30-09-2016


30 September 2016

“We need another narrative” is a much used phrase these days. Or is it an alternative we’re after? As if we need yet another marketing slogan for Europe! What we need is profound policy change, policies that deliver. The disenchantment of large parts of the population has to do with the lack of delivery on core social and political matters. Our call for social consolidation, social investment and sustainable economic, social, environmental and political development is key: therefore Progressives must ensure that the Pillar of Social Rights represents such a tool and the adaptation of Agenda 2030 will deliver the required framework.

The mantra of competitiveness not only in economic but also in political terms has triggered an actual sense of competitiveness among Member States, reflected in a rapid decrease in our sense of solidarity. If the fear factor, exclusion and hate crimes continue to rise then we could be heading for a nightmare scenario. In too many countries the extreme right is already influencing the political agenda, or is “antes portas”. When Caterpillar in Belgium cuts 2,000 jobs despite it being a profitable enterprise, when a German bank announces it will axe 9,000 jobs because of digitalisation, people’s sense of insecurity over their future will continue to grow. The central core of society is the middle class. If they start to move to the extreme right the balance will shift and everybody will focus on each other’s differences. They will look at whether that other person could be a potential competitor or worse, adopting the “us” and “them” mentality.

Next week civil society will come together for the traditional Peace March, walking from Perugia to Assisi, where large numbers of activists from trade union and peace movements will take part. In the history of the workers’ movement, the question of peace has always been closely linked to social questions. When we still had the East-West divide in Europe before the fall of the Wall, the peace movement took a strong stand against nuclear weapons and called for disbarment. However a few years, later during the Kuwait and Iraq war, too many remained silent, in particular in those countries involved in the coalition that had no UN mandate. War is not a solution and peace encompasses more than just the absence of war. Faced with the appalling war crimes in Syria and elsewhere it is time for the peace movement to make its presence felt again. Peace and social questions belong together, not just for historical reasons, but because we cannot afford to allow nationalist extremism to prevail. Join the Perugia-Assisi March!

Building a progressive Europe

The progressive family in Europe (including SOLIDAR) is launching an 18-month project, on the initiative of the S&D Group, designed to listen and find answers to the problems the EU is facing. ‘Together – A new direction for a progressive Europe – Stand up for our future!‘ goes beyond a traditional political consultation: it means involving our citizens in building a progressive Europe. The project will launch on 19 October 2016 with a public event at the European Parliament in Brussels, where leading left-wing politicians and renowned academics will respond to questions from young Europeans and citizens on the future of Europe. More information can be found here.


Migration & co-development: Towards a common European model

On Tuesday 27 September SOLIDAR attended a round table debate and workshop in Madrid organised by Movimiento por la Paz (MPDL) and other Spanish NGOs working on migration, development and integration policies. Read more

Preparing for the launch of the SDG Watch Europe

On 13 October, SOLIDAR will join the official launch of the SDG Watch Europe at the Permanent Representation of North-Rhine Westphalia in Brussels. SDG Watch Europe is an emerging, cross-sectoral, civil society alliance of 70 EU-level civil society organisations (CSOs), initiated in June 2015. It aims to ensure the EU’s achievement of the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 by independently monitoring EU and Member States’ implementation. This week we’ve covered the SDGs on Health, Education and Gender equality, by clicking on the pictures below you can find out more about SOLIDAR’s work on these goals. Read more

New technologies for trade union and workers’ education

SOLIDAR Foundation together with ETUI and ILO Actrav are holding a meeting on community of practice for trade union and workers education in the Kiljava Institute in Finland on 28-30 September. The main aim of our cooperation with the ETUI and ILO Actrav is to build a network of Trade Union and Workers’ Education Training Centres in order to exchange experiences and innovative pedagogical tools closely linked to adult training methods and education technologies. Read more


Europe and the Mediterranean. Places of peace and rights: for all or for the few?
8-9 October 2016 | Perugia, Italy
International Conference organised by SOLIDAR and CGIL in the framework of the  Peace March Perugia-Assisi

Book launch event ‘From Europe to Local: Migrating solidarity’

10 October 2016 | Brussels, Belgium
Public event

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