YFJ: BREXIT day – uncertain times for young people in the UK
As we reach the final days of the UK’s membership of the European Union and begin the transition period, the future for British young people remains uncertain and precarious.
From the start of the negotiations between the UK and the EU, the European Youth Forum has stood in solidarity with all of the young people inside and outside the UK who may be affected by the decisions and particularly with our member, the British Youth Council.
Our message was loud and clear. As the generation that must deal with the consequences of Brexit for the longest period of time, the concerns, opinions and rights of young people must be a priority for decision-makers. As it stands, not only did the negotiation process fail to maintain space for dialogue and exchange with young people and youth organisations, but the political, social and economic rights of young people are being put at risk as a result.
The UK still has time to take steps to safeguard the future of its young people as global citizens.
Read the full statement here.